Class Library Project for MDCPS Business Objects --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Project Name: MBO-MDCPSBusinessObjects Dateline: 02/11/2012 Entities(classes): Location, Student, Program, Course, Schedule, Teacher Project Type:Class Library Namespace: MDCPS.BusinessObjects --------------------- Entity Value Example: Location: 7841, The Engish Center, Adult Vocation Center type, 3501 SW 28th St, etc Student: 98898765, Juan Perez, 3059989987, 10220 SW 75Ave Miami FL 33133, white type, DOB, etc Program: E900004, Web Programming Services, etc course: E9000041, Web Prog Srv 1, etc Employee: 209876, Angel Valdes, 3057765555, Teacher Type, etc Schedule: H1P4, E9000041, 20112, HTML CSS & JS, 209876, Saturday, 8am, 3:30pm, D3, etc for the business objects, Use classes, public properties, use inheritance, enumerators for types, constructors, Example of code: Imports System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations Imports System.Web.DynamicData _ Partial Public MustInherit Class Person Public Property FirstName() As String Public Property LastName() As String Public Property Ethnicity() As EthnicityType Public Enum EthnicityType Caucasian = 0 AfroAmerican = 1 Cuban = 2 End Enum End Class Public Class PersonMetadata Public FirstName As Object End Class Partial Public Class Student Inherits Person Public Property StudentID() As String Public Sub New(studentID As String, firstname As String, lastname As String, ethnicity As EthnicityType) StudentID = studentID FirstName = firstname LastName = lastname Ethnicity = ethnicity End Sub End Class